I’ve never been much of one for New Year Resolutions/Goals. Perhaps because I am always working on improving my health, and unless I resolve to lose weight or compete in a highly athletic event, who really cares about my goals anyway? Or maybe it’s because I tend to view my New Year as my birthday; the coming of a new age, another chapter written in my story, not the story of the entire world. Whatever the reason may be, I can’t remember the last time I set them, or cared to even give them a second thought – until this year that is.

The end of 2013 was unexpected to say the least. I parted ways with a job, maybe even a career, which was my constant. Even though I hadn’t been happy in the role for some time, I didn’t think I would be leaving quite so soon. No matter how much a person may say that they are not their job, if you have been in a role for a significant length of time, you are that job in one way or another. It doesn’t matter if you love or hate it, anything that consumes 45+ hours of your week gives you some sense of an identity.

So there I sat, 27 years old, a recently graduated 4.0 masters’ student, and clueless about where 2014 was going to take me – or better yet, where I was going to take it. But I did know one thing, I had been unhappy with a big part of my life for the past 2+ years, and now I had a blank slate to change it.

As I sat down to write out New Year goals, the word ‘resolutions’ makes me feel like I have been doing something naughty, one word came to mind – Happiness. Whatever my goals were going to be, all I wanted were for them to bring the people around me, as well as myself, unconditional happiness. That may seem unrealistic to some, but to me it is like unconditional love. If you have unconditional love for someone or something, no matter what or how big the bumps in the road may be, the love is bigger. I want the happiness in my life to be bigger than any bump or roadblock that may come my way. Therefore, I decided that I need more than just goals for 2014. I need to compartmentalize my goals and I need big picture goals. For now I have gotten them compartmentalized into Personal, Health, and Career goals; and as I evolve, I want my goals to evolve with me. Stay tuned for 5 and 10 year goals as I see what 2014 and I have in store for one another.

a.wise approach ~ never be too stubborn to step outside if your norm, you never know where it may take you.


2014 1 Year Goals


-Save 5% of my income

-Successfully homebrew Kombucha

-Post in blog 3X/week

-Grow in my relationship with Christ


-Be able to do a (yes, as in 1) pull-up

-Maintain a happy physique

-Achieve a ½ marathon PR

-Complete 5 minutes/day of mindful meditation


-Read 1 career growth book/month

-Teach 1 woman’s health seminar

-Become a contributing author

-Become FDN certified